Showing posts with label potd the taj mahal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label potd the taj mahal. Show all posts

Friday, March 11, 2011

☼ POTD ~ The Taj Mahal ☼

Hello, ladies! Today's post is about another one of my paintings, the only one I've ever made on canvas, in acrylics. It's made in the same style I like to paint, the pointilism style innovated by painters like Van Gogh or Seurat, painted on an A3 size canvas in guache-tempera (acrylics), with different sized brushes.
Buna seara, fetelor! In postarea de astazi va prezint o alta pictura de-ale mele, de data aceasta una pe panza, singura pictura pe panza facuta vreodata, in acrilice. Este creata in acelasi stil pointilist, mai subtil de aceasta data (fata de natura moarta cu pensula), stil adus in prim plan de pictori renumiti precum Van Gogh sau Seurat. Este realizat pe panza marime A3, in guache-tempera (sau acrilice) cu pensule de diferite marimi.

This painting was made in the summer of 2009, so it's a newer one and it's one of my favorite paintings I've done so far. It inspires the heat of India and the beauty of this great work of art that is the Taj Mahal.
Acest tablou a fost realizat candva in vara lui 2009, deci este unul dintre cele mai nou picturi ale mele, dar si unul dintre lucrarile mele favorite, deoarece inspira caldura Indiei si frumusetea acestei constructii impunatoare Taj Mahal.

Detail of the building Taj Mahal
Detaliu al constructiei Taj Mahal

Detail of the Taj reflecting in the water
Detaliu cu cladirea reflectandu-se in apa

Detail of the trees and building
Detaliu al pomilor si al partilor din cladire

Detail of the sidewalk and the water
Detaliu cu alee si apa.

Hope you've enjoyed this and thank you for visiting!
Have a lovely night!
