Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Pratima Skincare & Spa

Paging through the latest issue of Instyle, I found an advertisement of an Ayurvedic Skincare line called Pratima. This Ayurvedic line was founded by Dr. Raichur. This led me to google her line. This is what I came up with, Dr. Raichur is a chemist, botanist, doctor, Ayurvedic Physician, and a best-selling author. But, what's her biggest accomplishment? She pioneered the modern field of Ayurvedic health and beauty care. Within her research and studies she developed her one-hundred percent ayurvedic, herbal skincare line.


This skincare line boasts of: cleansers, essential skin oils, moisturizers, facial masks and eye treatments. Added to the list she also developed a body care line which has products like cleansers, body oils, and bath oils/salts. But, by far the best part of her line are her treatment products targeted specifically for people with the following problems: acne, aging, cellulite/stretch marks, discoloration, eczema/psoriasis, rosacea, and fungus.
Pratima also has a fan following that includes the likes of Molly Sims and Alicia Silverstone.

Founded in the late-1970s by Dr. Pratima Raichur, this spa treats skin from the inside out, recognizing that thoughts, habits, meals and stress levels are all important. The quiet space includes a couple of treatment rooms, small waiting area and Raichur's office for one-on-one consultations. First-timers should arrive a bit early to fill out a questionnaire and have their dosha determined.

Raichur and crew have seen clients through every skin issue from excema to ulcers by using internal and external herbs, spices and oils. The rice/milk/saffron scrubs, Abhyanga massage and neem/essential oil face rubs are amazing.

Her spa menu includes facials, face treatments, body massage, body treatments, herbal waxing, mind and spirit relaxation methods, and health and wellness methods

Call in at
212.581.8136 to schedule an appointment!

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