Thursday, April 14, 2011

* All About: Eyebrows ~ Totul despre: Sprancene *

Hello, girls! Today I want to talk to you about this feature on our face called eyebrows. They frame the face, making it look longer, rounder, thinner, depending on their shape and size. A well groomed eyebrow can instantly brighten up your face, making you look younger and more awake.
There are different types of eyebrows, as everyone's face characteristics are unique, and I think everyone should stick to their natural shape and size, especially if you don't want to change dramatically your natural features.
In this post I'm going to talk about the main different eyebrow shapes, I'm going to explain how to perfectly groom them and I'm also going to show you some product suggestions for creating that perfect eyebrow. So let's begin! :)
Buna, fetelor! Astazi vreau sa va vorbesc putin despre aceasta trasatura importanta a fetei noastre numita "sprancene". Acestea inrameaza fata, facand-o sa para fie mai lunga, fie mai rotunda, ovala, etc., in functie de forma lor si de marime. Niste sprancene bine ingrijite pot da un plus de stralucire si tinerete unei fete, facand-o sa para mai proaspata, mai senina. 
Exista diferite tipuri de sprancene, asa cum fiecare persoana are trasaturi diferite, unice, si consider ca este important sa ne rezumam la forma si marimea naturala atunci cand le pensam, in special daca nu dorim sa modificam in mod dramatic trasaturile fetei.
In aceasta postare va voi vorbi despre principalele forme de sprancene, va voi explica modalitatea de a le ingriji in mod adecvat si va voi da cateva sugestii de produse in acest sens. Asa ca putem incepe! :)

 Regardless of your style, perfectly groomed eyebrows can give you a beautiful polished look. You can either choose to pluck them yourself at home or at a beauty salon, but either way, always consult a specialist before you start plucking. It's important to know that eyebrow hairs may not grow back to the way they used to be, leaving you with empty, sparse spaces. Also, sensitivity to pain need not hold you back from tweezing your eyebrows. You can always numb the area by using an ice cube or witch hazel, a natural anesthetic.

Indiferent de propriul stil, sprancenele bine definite iti pot conferi un aspect ingrijit. Poti alege sa le pensezi acasa sau la un salon de specialitate, insa indiferent de alegere, intotdeauna consulta un specialist sau documenteaza-te bine inainte de a incepe procesul. Este important de stiut faptul ca odata smulse anumite fire, ele pot sa nu mai creasca la loc asa cum au fost, lasand locuri libere, inestetice. Deasemenea, sensibilitatea la durere nu ar trebui sa ne impiedice sa ne pensam sprancenele, deoarece exista posibilitatea unui anestezic natural pentru aceasta zona, fie un cub de gheata trecut usor peste arcada sau planta witch hazel (Virginia Hammamelis).


There are a few main eyebrow shapes that women use as a guide when plucking. These are chosen accordingly to everyone's preferences, face shape or natural eyebrow shape. The experts advice us, though, to stick to the natural shape of the brow, for a more natural effect. But, if you want a major change or think that your natural eyebrow shape does not suit you, you can always choose whatever you think is best.
Exista cateva tipuri/forme principale de sprancene pe care femeile le folosesc ca si ghid atunci cand le stilizeaza. Acestea sunt alese in functie de preferintele fiecareia, de forma fetei sau forma naturala a sprancenelor. Expertii ne sfatuiesc, insa, sa ne ghidam dupa forma naturala a propriilor sprancene, pentru un efect mai natural. Dar, daca doriti o schimbare evidenta sau considerati ca forma naturala nu va avantajeaza, puteti oricand alege ceea ce credeti de cuviinta in acest sens.
1. The "Marilyn" type. Shapely, voluptuous and curvy, as sexy and seductive an eyebrow can get and the most sought after when grooming.
1. Tipul "Marilyn". Cu forma bine definita si arcada pronuntata, sexy si seducatoare, aceasta forma este poate cea mai cautata in ceea ce priveste modelarea sprancenelor.

This type of arch is also called "angled" and it's perfect for those of you who want to give a virtual lift to their face. People will see you as more youthful and fresh and they will wonder why ;).
Other celebrities with this type off an arch include Ashley Judd, Uma Thurman, Demi Moore.
Acest tip de arcuire mai poarta numele si "angled" (unghiular) si este perfect pentru acelea dintre voi care-si doresc o ridicare virtuala a trasaturilor fetei. Cei din jur va vor vedea mai tinere si se vor intreba de ce ;).
Alte vedete cu acest tip de arcuire a sprancenelor sunt Ashley Judd, Uma Thurman, Demi Moore.

2. The "Elizabeth" type. A smaller, compact version of "Marilyn", with a distinct peak, but every bit as sexy.
It is also called the "soft angled" brow, as the peak is softer, more subtle and feminine. This is considered to be the "perfect" brow shape and includes, besides Elizabeth Taylor, celebrities like Cindy Crawford, Jennifer Aniston, Nicole Kidman and Grace Kelly.
2. Tipul "Elizabeth". Este o versiune mai mica, mai compacta a sprancenei "Marilyn", cu o arcuire aparte, dar la fel de atragatoare. Mai este denumita si "soft angled", deoarece arcuirea este mai blanda, mai subtila, mai feminina. Aceasta este considerata a fi forma "perfecta" a sprancenelor si include, pe langa Elizabeth Taylor, celebritati precum Cindy Crawford, Jennifer Aniston, Nicole Kidman si Grace Kelly.

3. The "Marlene" type. This one refers to the eyebrow tweezed an inch of its life or plucked completely and drawn back in. It is also known as the "round" eyebrow, because of its round arch and makes your face look rounder, softens the features and emphasizes the heart-shaped faces.
3. Tipul "Marlene". Acesta face referire la sprancenele pensate aproape complet din grosime sau pensate in totalitate si desenate apoi cu creionul. Acest tip mai este denumit si "rotund" datorita formei arcuirii, dar si datorita faptului ca pot rotunji virtual un chip mai lung, indulceste trasaturile si scoate in evidenta forma ca de inima a fetei.

Other celebrities with this type of an arch: Gwyneth Paltrow, Julia Roberts, Pamela Anderson, Sharon Stone, of course,tweezed in a more subtle way than Marlene Dietrich's.
Alte celebritati cu acest tip de arcada: Gwyneth Paltrow, Julia Roberts, Pamela Anderson, Sharon Stone, dar, bine-nteles, pensate intr-un mod ceva mai subtil decat ale Marlenei Dietrich.

4. The "Audrey" type. Drawn over and around the real brow, with a youthful, tomboyish feel. They are usually perfect for women with a wide, large forhead, as it softens the features. Avoid this type of an arch if your face is small or if you have deep dark circles around your eyes.
4. Tipul "Audrey". Desenate peste si in jurul sprancenei naturale, cu un aer tineresc, masculin. Sunt perfecte pentru femeile cu o frunte larga, inalta, deoarece indulcesc trasaturile. A se evita de catre femeile cu o fata foarte mica sau de cele cu cearcane adanci, foarte vizibile, deoarece intuneca privirea.

Other celebrities with this type of an arch: Sophia Loren, Salma Hayek, Kim Kardashian.
Alte celebritati cu acest tip de arcada: Sophia Loren, Salma Hayek, Kim Kardashian.

5. The "Brooke" type. This type of an arch was made popular by actress Brooke Shields and it is best described as boyish, with a very slight sign of plucking. The difference between these and the "Audrey" ones is the fact that they are more natural, they are messy and little or non plucked.
5. Tipul "Brooke". Acest tip de sprancene a fost facut celebru in anii '90 de actrita Brooke Shields si sunt descrise ca fiind destul de masculine, foarte putin pensate. Diferenta dintre acestea si tipul "Audrey" este naturaletea, "dezordinea" firelor si/sau lipsa pensatului.

Other celebrities with this type of brows include Ana Paula Arosio, Helena Christensen, Julia Ormond, Natalia Vodianova. They are also called the "straight" brows, as they create a sort of straight line, with the lack of a distinctive arch or peak. They are perfect for any type of face features, especially the more mature ones.
Alte celebritati cu acest tip de sprancene: Ana Paula Arosio, Helena Christensen, Julia Ormond, Natalia Vodianova. Mai sunt numite si sprancenele "drepte", deoarece formeaza o linie aproape dreapta, cu lipsa unei arcuiri bine definite. Sunt perfecte pentru orice tip de trasaturi, dar in special pentru un ten matur, deoarece aduc un plus de tinerete figurii.

Of course, these are just the main eyebrow types. There are many variations to these styles, as every person has unique face features and hairs. They can variate from size to length and so on.
Desigur, acestea sunt tipurile principale de sprancene. Exista nenumarate variante pentru fiecare stil, asa cum fiecare persoana e unica si are trasaturi diferite precum si fire diferite (grosime, lungime etc).

Shape of eyebrows according to the size and shape of your face:
(Forma sprancenelor in functie de marimea si forma fetei:)


Small trimmer


Eyebrow pencil
(Creion pentru sprancene)
Angled brush
(Pensula unghiulara)
Brow shader
(Fard pentru sprancene)

Clear brow sealer
(Gel transparent pentru fixare)

OPTIONAL: Stencils
(OPTIONAL: Sabloane)

1. Start off by tracing with a white eyeliner pencil all the areas that you want to pluck. Use the guide above to set the shape, size and length of your brow.
2. Start plucking only the hairs in that area.
3. Brush your hairs up with the spoolie and trim them about two mm of their lenght.
4. Define your eyebrows with the angled brush and the brow powder of your choice. Use stencils if you need a more precise, proffessional shape.
5. Seal your brow with a transparent gel or wax so your brows stay in place all day.


1. Incepeti prin a trasa cu un creion alb acele zone pe care doriti sa le pensati. Folositi imaginea cu indicatiile de mai sus pentru a seta forma si lungimea in functie de trasaturile fetei.
2. Smulgeti firele doar din aceasta zona.
3. Pieptanati firele in sus, folosind periuta si scurtati-le cu 2-3 mm.
4. Definiti forma folosind pensula unghiulara si fardul de sprancene potrivit dvs. Folositi sabloanele pentru un rezultat profesional.
5. Aplicati un gel transparent sau ceara pentru a pastra sprancenele la locul lor.

How I do my eyebrows
(Cum imi aranjez eu sprancenele)

Before trimming and filling
(Inainte de a fi scurtate corectate cu creion si fard)

Places marked in red are going to be trimmed/filled in
(Zonele marcate cu rosu vor fi scurtate/umplute cu creion)

After I've trimmed them and penciled them in the areas shown only
(Dupa ce le-am tuns si le-am creionat doar in zonele indicate)

Filled in with a dark brown and black powder
(Umplute cu fard maro inchis+negru)

I usually don't use the brow powder on a daily basis, just when I go out at night and when I take pictures, as the flash washes out their color...


Christi Harris complete kit

Elf Studio eyebrow powder and sealer

Oriflame brow powder

Too Faced "Brow Envy" kit

Clarins kit

Jane Iredale kit

Anastasia brow kit

Tarte kit

And many others... There are alot of options available, you just have to choose the right one for you :)

Hope this post was helpful and thank you for visiting.
Don't forget to enter my giveaway still open! Also, you can send me any requests at:

ps: I know I am way behind in my 30 challenge day tag, but I will do the ones that I have missed these days in a following post, this one is already too long! :P

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