I was aghast at the question, considering this was a man who, just a few years earlier, had been cleansing his face with the same bar of Irish Spring he used to wash his body. He has since graduated to less archaic methods of skincare, but since when was he an expert in the art of exfoliation?
After taking a long, hard look at my dull complexion in the mirror, I reluctantly agreed that my husband might be on to something – so I asked what he recommended. He handed me his Energizing Face Scrub by Nivea For Men, and told me to give it a try.
As you all know, I’m not above using men’s products – so I applied some to my freshly-washed face and worked the product in in circles. The fine scrub particles are not for the faint of heart – so if your skin is on the sensitive side, you may find this to be a bit too abrasive. Otherwise, it’s great at unclogging pores and getting rid of excess impurity build up.
My husband’s Energizing Face Scrub did just what it promised – it smoothed my complexion by lifting off rough, dead skin. The “fine scrub particles” were a little more aggressive than I’m used to - so I think I’ll stick to my Fresh Sugar Face Polish and steal, I mean borrow, his Nivea Face Scrub once a week. And if he ever gets stingy and I have to go buy my own, it’s only $6.
Available at Drugstore.com, Amazon.com, CVS, Walgreen's, and Rite Aid.
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