This week, it's all about the hair.
I've fessed up to it before, and I'm not afraid to say it again: I wash my hair every single day. I know I'm not supposed to...I hear that it's supposedly washes away all the good oils, fades out my dye job, blah, blah, blah. But you know what? I could care less! When I don't wash my hair, it seems oily and gross on day two.
I tend to wince when a hairdresser asks me how often I shampoo. I know the right answer is "oh, just every other day," but I cannot lie. "I wash every day," I say with a slight nervous inflection in my voice. I don't know what I'm fearing. It's not like my stylist is going to beat me with a flat iron because I'm a lather-junkie. Thankfully, the past two stylists I've seen understand my addiction, because they both told me that they shampoo daily as well. Ah, sweet vindication!
In my humble opinion, if your hair needs to be washed daily, then go ahead and wash it. Why should you feel and look like a complete grease-ball just because "they" say you should only shampoo a few times a week? Daily shampoo rebels unite!
It seems to me that people with fine hair need to shampoo more regularly. Otherwise it just looks stringy and heavy...not good. But those with thicker, curlier hair may benefit from less frequent washing.
Now, if you're trying to reform your bad girl ways, here's my advice: try not washing your hair on a day when you don't have anyone to impress. But I do have a question to all you good girls out there: on days when you don't wash your hair, do you get it wet? Or do you use a shower cap? I never know what the right answer is and would love to hear from the rest of you on this.
Also, if you have any bad beauty habits, tell me about them! It's nice to know that there are other people breaking the rules out there!
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