I'm sorry, but this latest batch of model-wannabes left me cold. The only one I really liked was Heather, the girl with Asperger's syndrome who took amazing photos but who didn't have the personality to make it as an ANTM winner. I knew she was doomed from the start, and that we'd end up with some completely nondescript, personality free ANTM champ.
Saleisha certainly fits the boring and safe mold. But I must say I'm glad she beat out that ultra-blonde Barbie girl who had all the polish of sandpaper.
At least now we won't have to sit through those horrific "My Life as a Cover Girl" spots with Jaslene. Listening to her made me want to gouge my ears out. She sounded like a deaf transvestite. Being a spokes model just ain't her thing.
Ok--my bitchiness is over. I just hope the next cycle has a little more, I don't know, personality? Excitement? Suspense? This cycle left me feeling like I had just gulped down a few Tylenol PMs. BORING!
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