How does make-up help define a woman's personality?
One can easily identify whether a woman is an extrovert or an introvert based on the makeup she uses. Extroverts, usually experiment with bold statements, strong eye makeup or red lips. Introverts usually go for muted colors unless they are encouraged or coaxed to try a bold look, some women wouldn't even try
How would you define true beauty?
True beauty comes from the heart and sparkles in the eyes when you smile. We all are truly beautiful, yes we must smile more often
What is a quick way to change a day look to a special occasion or nighttime face?
Carry kohl at all times, a touch of kohl gets your dreary day eyes wake up to the evening. Also a lip palette with day and night colours, eg. a range of colors including nude lip colors in the day to a touch of glam reds for the evening
What advice can you offer women on how to best choose the right colors for their face?
Buy makeup in the day, apply your foundation and step outside in the day light to check. The glamorous makeup store lighting often foxes our sense of true color. Never try going too pale or too dark. Have make-up experts match your foundation for you.
What is the most important make-up tip we all should consider?
'Less is more', especially foundation.
What is the best way for a woman to improve her overall beauty?
'Inner beauty' radiates externally on your face. A healthy lifestyle which includes exercise and a wholesome diet. We all have to deal with stress by healthy changes in lifestyle, pampering our body with spa rituals, our face with good correct makeup and your heart with good deeds and spirituality or prayers.
What are the current trends in make-up today?
Bollywood trends rule Pakistan/India and wherever Pakistanis/Indians live. Pink is the hot color of the moment.
What advice do you have to make-up artists just starting out?
The Taj Mahal was not built in a day. Experimenting is important but not without prior trial or at an important occasion. Patience, situation handling and a charming attitude helps.
How much art is actually involved in make-up application?
We are dealing with a canvas which actually talks, feels, has likes dislikes and is human. One also has to achieve a look that has to be appreciated by your canvas. In all, it as a form of art, unfortunately it's temporary and is wiped off when the day is over
What are some beauty essentials for women on the go?
A vanity kit with a cleanser, an atomizer either Evian or M.A.C Fix +, cotton and ear buds and Vaseline. Kohl, mascara, your favorite lipstick, compact and yes the bigger your kit the bigger the confusion of choices to be made. Keep it small and simple
What's the worst thing a woman can do to her face?
Wear foundation lighter than her actual color, hoping it would make her fair
What do you think are best/worst trends in the beauty industry right now?
Shine shine and more shine. When overdone looks like grease especially in the tropics. Best trend would be airbrushing, and now we have an entire spectrum of brands to do so.
What make-up magazines/websites do you read regularly?
Whatever catches my attention, the usual Vogue, Elle etc...
I would like to thank Mr. Iyer for this wonderful interview. Ladies if you would like to ask Mr. Iyer any questions, leave me a comment with your name, and question.
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