Product: Clinique Perfectly Real Makeup
Retail Price: $22.50
Fragrance X Price: $30 (and they have the nerve to say that you’re saving 17%)

Product: MAC Clear Lip Glass
Retail Price: $13.50
Fragrance X Price: $17 (they say you’re saving 26%)
Product: Frederic Fekkai Apple Cider Clarifying Shampoo
Retail Price: $19.50
Fragrance X Price: $22.50 (they claim this is a savings of 18%)

Product: Philosophy Strawberry Milkshake Ultra-Rich Shampoo, Bath, & Shower Gel
Retail Price: $16
Fragrance X Price: $22.50 (you’re supposedly saving 21%)
Don’t get me wrong – there are many products on that will actually save you a couple of dollars. But can you really trust an online merchant that would so blatantly jack up prices, making you believe that you’re getting a deal?
The bottom line is that if you choose to purchase from, or similar discount websites, take precautions. All it takes is a few extra minutes to check prices and make sure that it’s you, and not them, who is making out like a bandit.
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