I’ve been tagged by Diva In A Carry On. Now that I’m “it,” I have to write 7 random facts about myself, then tag 7 other bloggers. So without further pomp and circumstance, here’s a lil’ sumthin’ sumthin’ you probably didn’t know about your resident beauty know-it-all:
1) Besides Philly, my favorite city is Madrid, Spain. I had my purse stolen there, but who can hold a grudge against a place with such fantastic shopping, architecture, food, and culture? Sometimes, during an especially tiring day, I take a mental siesta and imagine that I’m at a tapas bar eating gambas al ajillo and red wine sangria.
2) My favorite television show is Project Runway (I’ve seen every episode at least 10 times). My favorite movie? It’s a tie between The Sound of Music and Pulp Fiction…yes, I know I’m weird.
3) I memorized the Hail Mary, in French, when I was in the first grade – and I can still recite it to this day.
4) My dream job would be to perform on Broadway. In undergrad, I majored in Communications and Theater – and I wrote my senior thesis on the Pulitzer Prize-winning musical Rent.
5) My favorite musicians are Jeff Buckley and Otis Redding.
6) Although I work in marketing and public relations, I attended law school – where I met my husband, on the first day of orientation.
7) My favorite word is facetious (did you know that facetiously is one of only two English words with all five vowels and the semivowel y in alphabetical order?)
I’ve tagged the following blogs; check them out and learn a little more about the divas behind some of your fav daily diaries.
15 Minute Beauty Fanatic
Yummy 411
Beauty Banter
Makeup Loves Me
Southern Sugar
Miss M Does Fashion
Hot and Cheap
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