This product was created by a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon and anti-aging specialist, Dr. George Semel. The Timelapse Wand is a small stick that, according to their press release, "relaxes and smooths facial wrinkles in minutes while providing long-term skin regeneration therapy." Sounds good! What's even better is that a stick is designed to provide a month's worth of treatments and only costs $25. Not too shabby!
From the instructions on the tube, Timelapse Wand seems easy to apply. You just put it on your fine lines, so you can focus and control where the product goes. I'll be trying it out for the next month and will report back along the way. I have a line by my nose, some forehead creases, and a line near my mouth that I'll be focusing on. I'll let you know how it goes.
In the meantime, if you want to try it out for yourself, click here for more info.
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