- Patent-pending elastomer brush vibrates 7,000 times per stroke
- Provides clump-free definition, intense color, and shine
- Waterproof; also available in washable formula
- Builds lash volume, length, and adds curl
- Buildable formula
- Ideal for All Skin Types
- Contact lens safe
What did you think? Vibrating mascaras have been on the market for about a year now. They started out with the expensive brands like Lancome and now, like most trends, they're making their way down market--good news for all of us in the recession! I've been leery of the vibrating mascara trend because....well....the whole idea sort of scared me. Don't get me wrong: I firmly believe that every girl needs at least one good vibrator in her life, but a vibrating mascara? I was skeptical.
When I saw that Maybelline was one of the first drugstore brands to launch a vibrating mascara, I was curious. It's well known that I am a big fan of Maybelline mascara, so if any drugstore brand could get the high-end trend right, my money was on Maybelline.
I tried this baby out with low expectations. I thought I'd end up with clumps and bits of mascara flying all around the place. I was wrong...on some level.
This product goes on really easily, and the vibrations help make one coat of mascara look like several coats. In no time, my lashes were longer, exquisitely darker, and fuller looking. To hell with wiggling the wand back and forth at the base...the vibrating wand did all the work for me.
On the not-so-positive side, I did notice that I had some clumping with this product. I don't know if this is user error (maybe I have been applying too much?) or a problem with the mascara. If you want to use this product, you should have some skill in applying mascara and using a lash comb, because I promise you that you'll need to comb out a few clumps here and there.
The final verdict? If you've been wanting to try out the vibrating mascara trend but didn't want to fork over $30, try this product. I will give this warning: practice using the wand. The first time you use it, you may need to use a good lash comb to separate your lashes a bit. Overall, vibrating mascaras are an interesting novelty, but I am not entirely sold. There are so many good mascaras on the market that are more worthy of your money than this one, but it has been fun trying out the vibrating wand technology.
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