There are tons of Cyber Monday deals out there (and deals being offered throughout much of December), so go to your favorite sites to see what's what. Just be sure to take your time, read all the fine print, enter promotional codes properly, and double check your purchases, what you're being charged for, and look over your shipping/billing addresses to be certain they're right before you hit "place order." With great deals, it's easy to get caught up in the frenzy and make a costly mistake.
I've been insanely busy lately. I've written thousands of words over the weekend to get to the finish line for National Novel Writing Month and I'm proud to say that for the second year in a row, I am a NaNoWriMo winner and have hit the 50K word count mark. I'm exhausted. I'm sick of looking at my laptop, and I'm not relishing the thought of typing anything at the moment.
I'm also starting my week back by dealing with our auditors at work. Yippee. Today is going to bite on so many levels. I swear, I need to find away to quit my day job so I can focus on doing what I really want: writing and blogging.
Posts may be spotty this week because I'm feeling more than spent.
I still have tons to tell you about, especially now that the holidays and prime shopping season are upon us. Here are some things to look forward to in the coming days:
- Raw Minerals mineral foundation overview and review
- New products from Lumene
- Awesome new bags and brushes from my fave, ecoTOOLs
- Burt's Bees, watch out! There's a new bee-inspired lip balm on the market
- Ecofriendly soaps will keep you and the earth clean and beautiful
- PurMinerals is ready for the holidays
- Head to Oz with nail polish Dorothy would love
- ...and much, much more!
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