Tuesday, June 14, 2011

40% Off at Banana Republic

For a few weeks, I was eyeing up a fedora at Banana Republic. While Mr. Spoiled Pretty and I were shopping there one day and I was waiting for him to pay for his khaki shorts, I perused the racks and tried on some hats. I always thought fedoras were a little pretentious in an "I'm trying hard to look effortlessly hip" kind of way - so I was shocked by how hard I fell for this hat. But I wasn't crushing on its $45 price tag (I'm cheap).

So I left the hat in the store - and that bastard haunted my dreams for weeks - until I returned to the store and adopted it. In fact, I bought two different styles (the ones pictured) because I was equally smitten and couldn't make a decision to save my life (I'm a Libra, so this happens quite often). Lucky for me, my co-worker had given me a coupon for 30% off - so my purchase wasn't such a big blow to my wallet. But to be honest, I wear these fedoras so often that even if I had paid full price, it would have been worth it. They up the cool factor of almost any outfit - and I get at least one compliment (from friends and strangers on the street) every time I wear them.

The reason why I'm telling you all this is because Banana Republic is having a "Power Lunch" sale today. For three hours, you can get 40% off your full-priced purchase - in stores and online (enter promo code BRPOWER at checkout). So if you've been eyeing up anything at Banana, now's your time to pounce.

You're welcome...and happy shopping!

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