Thursday, June 9, 2011

Beauty Product of the Week: Spin Pin

What is it? Goody's Spin Pin allows you to get "3 easy styles. Spin your style! Style guide inside features 3 spin pin styles. To use:
1. Gather your hair at the nape of your neck (no ponytail holder needed).
2. Twist your hair into a tight bun and tuck in the ends.
3. Spin one pin in from the top and the other up from the base, taking care not to interlock pins."
Available at drugstores and big box stores in either blonde or brunette for less than $7.00.

What do you think? Good Housekeeping gave this product a VIP (Very Innovative Product) Award and for good reason: it's easy to use and it works. 

I suck at styling my hair.  My hair styling skills are limited to a simple ponytail and, when I'm feeling plucky, flat ironing.  I've been growing my hair out--it's now just at my shoulders--and being able to pull it back and up into a quick easy bun is a great option, especially now that it's getting warmer.

The Spin Pin makes pulling my hair away from my face and up off my neck a breeze.  The instructions are easy to follow, and once you get the hang of it, putting your hair up into an easy bun takes a matter of seconds.  The Spin Pins keep hair in place without being overly restrictive.  They don't pull or snag, and they twist right out.  I can't stress how easy these pins are to use!

Lots of us have used pencils or chopsticks in the past to get our hair up into an easy bun.  With these pins, you can leave pencils for writing and chopsticks for sushi.

Final verdict? I like this tool so much that I bought an extra to keep in my purse. It's easy to use, easy to remove, and I love it!  Give it a try if you're a hair klutz like me!

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