Friday, June 17, 2011

Feed Your Hair With Natural Hair Care Products

Before jumping to a hair product to another, you must first think about the factors that make your hair dull and lifeless. Using hair products can not be too careful the only reason you have hair problems can also check your lifestyle plays an important role in making your hair shiny and healthy.

Dead Sea Skin Care Natural Hair Care aromatic bath 1280342102 300x216 fruit nourish your hair, using natural products for hair care

Poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle can lead to dandruff, hair loss, thinning hair and damage to third parties that can not be mitigated, even if the use of essential oils like tea tree oil as the problem will return when not treated properly. A healthy lifestyle is certainly reflected in the texture of your hair. The use of hair products is not expensive can be the solution to your problem. You may have to go beyond using these products and to identify factors that damage the hair.

Aside from an unhealthy lifestyle and poor nutrition due to other hair problems is stress. A hair problems caused by stress is dandruff. This is caused by dry skin that flakes from the scalp and cause itching. To treat dandruff, all you have to do is add a teaspoon of camphor to half a cup of coconut oil and place in an airtight container.

The mixture should be applied over your hair before bedtime. Another way to treat dandruff, is mixed with 1 teaspoon of castor oil, coconut oil and mustard together and massage the scalp with the mixture. You can also use lemon juice, coconut oil to get rid of dandruff. Be sure to follow these natural remedies for dandruff, the hair on a regular basis to ward off this problem. All these should be washed with hot water.

If you suffer from hair loss, a way to deal with the problem is by massaging your scalp with coconut oil for about 15 minutes. You can boil neem leaves and use it to wash the hair. Of premature aging is concerned, you can apply a paste on the scalp in 2 tsp henna powder, a teaspoon of sour milk, 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds powder, 1 teaspoon, 2 tablespoons of juice and mint 2 tablespoons basil juice. Leave the mixture for 2 hours and wash the hair with a mild shampoo.

There are many natural remedies can be used for different hair problems can be done in the comfort of your own home. If used to change the hair care products in the same way you change clothes, it's time to use natural hair products to avoid damaging the hair. Use only products that suit your hair type and stay away from those that contain harmful chemicals. You can have beautiful hair that shines like silk, if you take special care of your hair.

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