Thursday, June 9, 2011

* Kiko Kaleidoscopic Inspired Makeup *

Hey, everyone! Did you miss me? I guess not :D But I did miss posting, editing, writing comments on other blogs... Must I say again how busy I was? I guess not (2)... ^.~
So, between work, watching tennis and gardening, I will try to come back to my usual every 2 day post, as much as I can. If I don't, then I will owe you a giveaway. No, seriously. :*
 But today I am back with another look, this time inspired by the spring makeup collection from Kiko, one of my favorite makeup brands. It was called "Kaleidoscopic" and it was promoted by this beautiful makeup in purple and yellow, with little makeup on the lower lashline and fuchsia pink lips. Hope you like it and let's see my take on it.
Buna, tuturor! V-a fost dor de mine? Cred ca nu :D Insa mie mi-a fost dor de postari, editari, comentarii pe alte bloguri... Chiar nu cred ca trebuie sa pun iarasi placa "Am fost ocupata", nu? Cred ca nu (2)... ^.~
Asa ca, intre munca, tenis si gradinarit, o sa incerc sa revin la postarile mele de a doua zi (promit asta des, stiu), pe cat de mult pot. Daca nu o voi face, va voi fi datoare cu un giveaway. Serios. :*
Dar astazi m-am intors cu un nou look, simplu de realizat, in stil cut-crease (imi plac mult acestea), inspirat de colectia de primavara de la Kiko, numita "Kaleidoscopic", una din firmele de makeup preferate de mine. In fotografia de promovare, modelul purta un frumos machiaj in mov si galben, cu foarte putina culoare pe pleoapa inferioara si buze roz-fucsia. Sper sa va placa varianta mea!

After primer, I applied a matte white jumbo eye pencil, to really make the yellow eyeshadow stand out. Then, starting from the inner corner, I applied my first eyeshadow, a bright yellow color, in my inner third of the upper lid, inner tear duct and inner third of the lower lashline.
Dupa primer am aplicat un creion jumbo alb pe toata suprafata pleoapei, pentru a creste intensitatea fardurilor galbene. Apoi, incepand cu coltul interior al ochiului, am aplicat prima culoare, un galben intens, chiar in coltul interior, pleoapa superioara si inferioara.

Then, on the rest of the lid, I applied a matte darker shade of yellow. In a cut crease style, I took a purple eyeshadow and blended it towards the eyebrow. To darken it up, I applied right where the yellow and purple meet a darker bluish purple.
Apoi, pe restul pleoapei mobile, pana la pliu, am aplicat un fard galben mai inchis, mat. In stil cut-crease am adaugat si fardul mov, blenduit spre arcada. Pentru a intuneca putin look-ul, am selectat un mov-albastrui si l-am aplicat acolo unde galbenul si movul se intalnesc, amestecand bine.

I also added some shine to my browbone using my favorite highlight color, "Virgin" from Urban Decay. As I saw on the model, she didn't have much going on on the lower lashline, so I added just a little bit of brown eyeliner, topped with a hint of the darker yellow eyeshadow.
Am adaugat si putina stralucire pe arcada, folosind fardul meu de highlight preferat al momentului :P, "Virgin" de la Urban Decay. Dupa cum am observat din imagine, modelul nu prea avea multa culoare pe pleoapa inferioara, asa ca am trasat foarte subtil conturul cu un creion maro, peste care am adugat o idee din fardul galben mat.

I applied some liquid liner with a big outer flick and small inner flick, then I placed some false eyelashes on my top lashline and mascara on my lower lashes.
Am aplicat un tus lichid negru pe pleoapa superioara, creand un "cat-eye" accentuat, cu o codita exterioara lunga, dar si una mai scurta, interioara, dupa care am aplicat gene false pe pleoapa superioara si rimel pe genele inferioare.

As you might have noticed by now, I don't like wearing too much blush, not even for tutorials (in real life, I don't wear any, as I have a problem skin :P). This time I chose a matte dusty mauve blush and a tad bit of highlighter for the apples of my cheeks. Then I lined my lips with a pink liner, added in a patting motions a bit of fuchsia lipstick and some pink lipgloss.
Dupa cum cred ca ati observat deja, eu nu prea port mult blush, nici macar in tutoriale (in viata de zi cu zi, nu port deloc, pentru ca am ten cu probleme :P). De data aceasta am ales un blush intr-o culoare roz-prafuit, dupa care am aplicat si un highlighter pe pometi. Am conturat buzele cu un creion roz, am aplicat prin tapare un ruj fucsia si un luciu roz pentru a completa look-ul.


- Elf mineral eyeshadow primer
- Nyx jumbo pencil in "Milk"
- Butterfly trio yellow e/s
- Vera Valenti pink palette dark purple e/s
- Urban Decay "Virgin" e/s
- Oriflame Giordani brown eyeliner
- Elf black liquid liner
- Diorshow mascara in "Blackout"
- Bari blush in "Mauvelous"
- Ada pink lipliner
- Wet n Wild fuchsia lipstick

And other products used:
DISCLAIMER: I am not affiliated with Kiko Cosmetics and I am not being paid to used any of the products mentioned.
The lashes were sponsored by KK Center HK and also the MSCHIC lipgloss was provided by brand.
All sponsors are mentioned in my right bar at Sponsors/Collabs. section.

Thank you for visiting and have a great day!


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