Hello, everyone! Do you love lip balms as much as I do? :) If you do and think that you can never have enough lip products, then you too have probably attempted at doing your own colored lip balm at least once in this lifetime ;). I know I did many times and failed, but this time, after watching many techniques and videos all over the internet, I decided to try again. And this time I was pretty satisfied with the outcome :D.
Let's see what I used and how I did it ^.^
Buna, fetelor! Nu-i asa ca si voua va place mult balsamul de buze? Daca da si sunteti mereu in cautarea unui nou produs de buze pentru a-l adauga colectiei voastre aflata intr-o continua expansiune, atunci probabil ati si incercat sa faceti unul voi inseva, cel putin odata. Eu stiu ca am "atentat" de mai multe ori de-a lungul timpului si am dat gres de fiecare data, dar de data aceasta, dupa multe clipuri vizionate si articole citite, am decis sa incerc din nou. Si de data asta chiar am fost multumita de rezultat :D
- one plastic container (old lip balm)/ un recipient mic de plastic (balsam de buze mai vechi)
- a clear chapstick you don't use anymore/ un balsam de buze incolor pe care nu-l mai folositi
- a little bit of clear or slighly colored gloss/ putin luciu de buze transparent sau f. putin colorat
- a bit of lipstick in the desired color/ putin ruj in culoarea dorita
- some mineral eyeshadow similar to the lipstick color/ un fard de ochi in culoarea rujului (mineral, daca se poate)
- some cosmetic, fine glitter/ o cantitate mica de sclipici cosmetic, fin
- a spatula to remove chapstick, lipstick, eyeshadow/ o spatula pentru a scoate balsamul de buze incolor, rujul, fardul de ochi (eu am folosit o pila de unghii dezinfectata)
- other chapsticks of your choice (to fill in the recipient)/ alte balsamuri de buze pentru a umple contenitorul
- hair blow-drier or candle/ uscator de par (foehn) sau lumanare
- rubbing alcohol/ spirt, alcool sanitar
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~most of the products mentioned~ |
Start off by disinfecting your plastic container and your working spatula with some rubbing alcohol. I used an old plastic lip balm container from The Body Shop and a nail filer instrument.
Incepeti prin a dezinfecta recipientul de plastic si spatula cu care veti lucra, cu putin alcool sanitar imbibat intr-o discheta demachianta. Eu am folosit o cutiuta mai veche de balsam de buze de la The Body Shop si o pila de unghii.
I removed the chapstick from its container and all its remaining contents using the nail filer and put them into the sanitized lip balm holder.
Am indepartat balsamul de buze si resturile acestuia folosind pila de unghii si am adaugat intreg continutul in cutiuta de balsam goala.
With the help of the same nail filer, I crushed the chapstick into the container so I could get a more easy to work with material.
Cu ajutorul aceleiasi pile, am zdrobit balsamul incolor in cutie, pentru a obtine o pasta maleabila, cu care am putut lucra mai usor.
Then I scraped off some of the desired eyeshadow and placed it in the recipient. I added a small part of the lipstick in the same dark fuchsia color and mixed them all together.
Apoi am "razuit" o cantitate mica de fard si am adaugat-o peste balsam, impreuna cu o parte din rujul in aceeasi culoare de fucsia inchis.
Because I wanted to fill in my container as much as possible and because I have a whole bunch of chapsticks that will not be used to their fullest, I chopped a small amount from each of them (about 4 mm) and placed them with the other ingredients.
Pentru ca am vrut sa umplu pe cat posibil cutiuta cu balsamul facut de mine si pentru ca am o multime de chapsticks care nu vor fi folosite niciodata pana la refuz, am taiat din fiecare cate o portiune de aproximativ 4 mm si am adugat bucatelele impreuna cu celelalte ingrediente.
After mixing them all up very well, I added a little bit of clear lipgloss (about 2 ml) from Elf and sprinkled some Lanmei white glitter and stirred up again really well.
Dupa ce am amestecat totul foarte bine, am adaugat si putin luciu de buze transparent (cam 2 ml), de la Elf, pentru a deveni ceva mai moale (deoarece chapstick-urile sunt mai tari in consistenta) si putin sclipici alb de la Lanmei, amestecand din nou bine.
Because I wanted it to look a tad bit more professional :D, I blow dried it until it melted completely and popped it into the fridge for about 30 minutes.
Pentru ca am vrut sa arate putin mai profesional :D, am topit intreg continutul cu ajutorul unui uscator de par si am introdus cutiuta in frigider pentru 30 de minute.
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~Not mine, but I like it 'cause it's pink :D~ |
And this is the final result! A good smelling colored lip balm, made from recycled ingredients :)!
Here's a swatch for it, on the back of the hand and on my lips:
It doesn't have too much color, but for my pale lips, it works just fine. It's true that if you melt it and refrigerate it, you will need to break into it a little, as it gets kind of hard, but after the first use, it's just perfect.
Nu are foarte multa culoare, dar pentru buzele mele pale functioneaza chiar foarte bine. E drept ca daca il topiti si-l raciti in frigider, s-ar putea sa se intareasca putin, dar dupa prima utilizare se va topi acea "crusta" superficiala si va fi numai bun de folosit.
So how about you? Did you ever make your own lip balm? Can you share a link, if so? ^.^
Thank you for visiting and have a great day!
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