Wednesday, June 15, 2011

~ Art Inspired Makeup * Kandinsky's "Murnau Street with Women" ~

Hello, girls! Do you like this kind of makeup looks? If so, then you can send me your suggestions on my email address, if you want to see a particular painting inspiration. And today the one I have for you is a makeup look inspired by a Wassily Kandinsky painting called "Murnau Street with Women". It's a very colorful and vivid work of art, but mysterious at the same time, due to the women from the right side of his work, looking at the viewer. I used about all those colors from the painting in a less wearable look, but nonethelless colorful. Hope you enjoy!
Buna, fetelor! Va plac acest gen de postari, cu machiaje inspirate din tablouri? Daca raspunsul este afirmativ, atunci va astept propunerile pe adresa mea de mail, poate aveti vreo cerinta particulara, un tablou pe care il doriti transformat in makeup :P... Dar astazi am pentru voi un machiaj inspirat dintr-un tablou de Wassily Kandinsky, un pictor suprarealist rus, tablou numit "Strada din Murnau cu femei". Este o lucrare foarte colorata si vivace, dar misterioasa in acelasi timp, datorita acelor femei din prim-planul de partea dreapta, care parca privesc admiratorii tabloului. Am incercat sa folosesc majoritatea culorilor din lucrare si intr-adevar este un machiaj mai putin purtabil, insa plin de viata. Sper sa va placa!

After primer, I applied a white base for more color payoff. Then I applied a matte yellow eyeshadow on the inner corner of my eyes, upper and lower lashline. Next came the bright orange eyeshadow, placed right next to the yellow and blended them together.
Dupa primer am aplicat o baza alba mata pentru a scoate culorile mai bine in evidenta. Apoi a urmat fardul galben mat, pe care l-am plasat in coltul intern al ochiului, pe pleoapa superioara si inferioara. Dupa galben a urmat portocaliul neon, aplicat dupa galben si amestecand bine culorile.

Next came the bright pink eyeshadow and some red eyeshadow, blended well. On my crease and outer corners of both the upper and lower lids, I placed a bright blue eyeshadow, blending it on the browbone with some matte white eyeshadow.
A urmat fardul roz aprins si rosul, blenduite bine. In pliul ochiului precum si in colturile exterioare ale pleoapei superioare si inferioare am aplicat o culoare albastru neon, amestecata bine spre spranceana cu un fard alb mat.

For the rest of the lower lashline (between the yellow and blue), I placed a bright green eyeshadow. Then I lined my upper lashline with a dark blue liquid liner, applied a metallic blue liner on my waterline,
some dramatic falsies on my upper lashline and three individual lashes on my lower lashline, after mascara.
Pe restul pleoapei inferioare (intre galben si albastru), am aplicat un fard verde fosforescent. Am conturat pleoapa superioara cu un tus albastru, am folosit un albastru metalic pe waterline, gene false dramatice pe pleoapa superioara si trei manunchiuri de gene individuale pe pleoapa inferioara, dupa mascara.

On my face I used a pink blush and golden bronzer and for my lips I just used a dark honey concealer, to ballance up the look. And that's all! :)
Pe obraji am folosit un blush roz si un bronzer in tonuri aurii, iar pentru buze, doar putin corector intr-o culoare mai inchisa, bentru a echilibra look-ul. Si cam atat! :)


- Urban Decay primer potion
- 12o palette matte yellow
- 120 palette bright orange (mixed)
- 120 palette neon pink
- 120 palette red eyeshadow
- 120 palette matte white
- 120 palette bright green
- Seventeen bright blue eyeshadow
- Urban Decay 24/7 pencil in "Flipside"
- No name individual lashes
- Milani Mosaic blush in "Pink Cheeks"
- Black Opal concealer in "Honey"

If you want me to make a look inspired by your favorite painting, send me the image at and I will get to it as soon as possible!

Also, at the same email address, I am waiting for your drawings and paintings, so I can post them here on my blog (if you want to show them to the world :D). You can use your nickname if you don't want me to publish your name, it's up to you. I will do periodically a special post where I will show all the paintings that I received during a period of time, what do you say? ^.^

So have a nice day and thank you for visiting!


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