Question #1: I have normal to oily skin. What facial cleanser would you recommend that could double as a makeup remover?
Even though I did a "Battle of the Eye Makeup Removers" awhile back, I never use a special makeup remover. I don't have the time for it, and honestly...unless I'm wearing a ton of makeup, I don't see the need for it. Who wants to buy a special product when they don't have to?
When it comes to face cleansers, my first rule is stop using soap. Soap makes your skin too tight, drying it out and leaving it in need of extra moisturizer later. Instead, try a gentle product specifically designed for the more sensitive skin on your face.
If you want a high end product, I'd recommend Philosophy's Purity Made Simple. It effectively removes makeup--even tough to get off mascara and eyeliner--without striping away your skin's natural (healthy) oils. If you're looking for a drugstore brand, any of Olay's facial cleansers are worth a try. I usually keep a tube of Olay Regenerist Daily Regenerating Cleanser in the shower and a bottle of Purity Made Simple by my sink. And on days when I am really lazy, I swear you cannot beat Boot's 4-in-1 Quick Thinking Face Wipes, as I've said many, many times before!
Question #2: I've been wondering if you know of any good pedicure products. The heels of my feet are in awful shape (really rough), and it always tickles too much to have them filed or whatever when I get a pedicure. Do you have any recommendations for a good pumice stone that will really do the trick? My foot filer thing hasn't been working too well.
I try to get regular pedis in the summer (once a month if I can swing it), and I always worry that I am going to laugh when getting worked on. Sometimes I can't help it, but I can usually quash my giggles with the latest edition of Town & Country magazine (for some reason, reading a snooty magazine while getting a pedicure seems like the right thing to do!).
If you don't have the time or resources to go in for a pedi--or if you're ultra ticklish!--there are plenty of products you can try at home. Look for high end, high quality (high priced) products from Tweezerman. Their Pedro Callus Stone has a decent handle and is easy to use. If you don't want to invest in an expensive tool, all you really need is a decent pumice stone. They're typically pretty cheap and readily available. Look for affordable products from Earth Therapeutics (I adore their foot wipes in the summer time!), ecoTOOLs, or the ultra cute, budget friendly Ms. Pedicure line of goods.
One word of caution, and this is coming from me, a beauty enthusiast, not a professional: avoid callus shavers. They shave off the skin from your feet and are very effective in the short term. I forget where I read it, but supposedly over-use of callus shavers can actually worsen your callus problem. I've only had a callus shaver used on me once--in a salon I won't be going back to. The whole thing freaked me out for some reason. But hey....maybe that's just me.
So readers: if you want to add your thoughts, please do so!
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