If you have any beauty tips, favorite beauty products, or know of any great deals you want to share with your fellow beauty blog readers, send an email to me at asklydia@hotmail.com. I'll post your tips and hopeful start a fun, new dialogue.
To start off with the Reader to Reader tips, I bring you a recommendation from Leah. Here's what she has to say:
Hi Lydia,
I am really hard on my nail polish. Besides laptop usage, I also care for our son with disabilities at home. (I not only wash my hands, I help him to wash his hands, too.) Yep, my hands see A LOT of soap and water. Polish usually stays on for two - three days, tops.
Until this last week (cue the angels singing). Two coats of Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Xtreme Wear nail polish has lasted seven days and counting! No chipping, no wearing off. In fact, my fingernails are actually growing out and you can see that the polish in intact. I cannot tell you how amazed I am.
Just thought I'd share. :-)
LeahThank YOU, Leah! I'll have to give this product a try sometime soon. I haven't painted my nails in quite a while. I, too, am tough on my fingernails and almost never get manicures because I don't want to waste my money. Sally Hansen is the drugstore nail care leader, and they make some really great products. Some duds, sure, but some winners as well.
The product Leah mentioned sells for less than $5.50 or so per bottle and comes in 30 shades.
Email me with YOUR beauty picks...especially your favorite budget-friendly gems and I'll post your thoughts in a future post!
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