Monday, January 17, 2011

O- My Lipstick Collection -O

Good afternoon, my beauties! ^.^ Today's post is about all the lipsticks that I own, including names, colors and swatches on the back of my hand. I saw that this one was usually a tag, but even if I wasn't tagged (as far as I know of), I've been asked a few times to show the lip products I am currently using. I don't own many, but they are not few either (as my sister would say :D)... I use them all, depending on the occasion, makeup look for blog or state of mind; some of them are very old (4-5 years) and some are practically new... Hope you enjoy and let's get started.
Buna seara, frumoaselor :) :P! Astazi va voi vorbi despre colectia mea de rujuri, cu detalii despre nume, firma (sau nu) si culoare. Stiu ca acesta a fost initial un tag, si chair daca nu am fost tag-uita, din cate stiu eu, m-am gandit ca as putea sa fac si eu o astfel de postare, din moment ce am primit cateva cerinte pe mail in legatura cu rujurile pe care le folosesc de obicei. Nu am multe, dar nici putine (din cate ar zice sora mea :D), dar le folosesc pe toate, in masuri diferite si, of course, in functie de ocazie si starea de spirit... Cam astea sunt toate, in sir indian :):

Si poza de grup:

And here they are, in a more detailed view:
First group, plus swatches (I forgot to include in the upper pic the Pupa one, but you can see it in the group photo)
Acesta este primul grup de 4, in care am uitat sa includ si rujul Pupa, pe care il puteti vedea in poza de grup mare, si swatchul mai jos:

Second group (al doilea grup, si swatch-urile):

Third group and the swatches (-//-):

Forth group (Al patrulea grup):

And finally, the fifth group (si, in fine, al cincilea grup, dar nu si cel din urma):

I have a total of 25 lipsticks, some of them no name (that are really good, though) and some branded, but no high-end brands, just drugstore. I do own many more lip glosses then lipsticks, but maybe we'll get a tag like that some day and do a post for that separately :).
Acestea sunt cele 25 de rujuri ale mele, unele sunt no name, chiar daca foarte bune si altele "de firma", dar low-end, fara brand-uri scumpe sau editii limitate. Desigur, ca majoritatea dintre voi cred, detin mai multe glossuri decat rujuri, dar poate acelea intr-o alta postare :)...

Have a nice day and see you again in a couple of days!
~ ~

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