Hey, everyone! Today's look was made about 2 months ago and was inspired by a makeup look done by Queen Bee, but as I didn't like it at first, I didn't post about it. A few day ago, I changed my mind and decided I could post it, as it looked really nice in real life, even though the pictures show up a very harsh version of it...
And this is how it looked like in the end:
Buna fetelor! Machiajul de astazi a fost realizat acum 2 luni aproape si a fost inspirat de un machiaj realizat de bloggerita Queen Bee, dar pentru ca initial nu mi-a placut cum au iesit pozele, nu l-am postat pe blog. Acum cateva zile m-am razgandit si m-am decis sa-l postez, chiar daca arata mult mai bine in realitate decat in fotografii... Asta este ce am realizat, in final:
And this was the pic I was inspired by:
Of course, mine did not turn out as pretty as hers, as she does amazing makeup looks, but, I tried :P
Binenteles, varianta mea nu a iesit atat de frumoasa ca a ei, ea realizand machiaje si look-uri minunate, insa, am incercat si eu, ca tot omu' =)!
So first thing I did, after applying my primer, was to add a shimmery white base underneath, in order for the eyeshadows to adhere better to the lid. Then, starting from the inner corner and working my way out, I applied the first e/s, a shimmery yellow color, just on the inner corner near the tear duct, adding this on my lower lashline as well.
Primul lucru pe care l-am facut, dupa ce am aplicat primer-ul, a fost sa adaug o baza alba sidefata pe toata suprafata pleoapei, pentru ca fardurile sa se aplice mai bine si sa fie mai puternice. Apoi, incepand cu coltul intern al ochiului si mergand spre exterior, am aplicat prima culoare, un galben sidefat, langa canalul lacrimal si pe pleoapa inferioara, tot in interior.
The pink eyeshadow followed, on the entire lid, just up to the crease, a fuchsia color, blending it slightly into the pink. A purple e/s was placed in the crease, blended by an orange eyeshadow, right above it. To darken up the look just a bit, I added a darker purple color, just on the outer corner, creating some dimension on the lid.
Am aplicat apoi, pe restul pleoapei mobile, un roz-fucsia puternic, amestecandu-l putin cu galbenul din coltul intern. Un fard mov a fost aplicat in pliul pleoapei, blenduit cu un portacaliu puternic chiar deasupra lui. Pentru a face machiajul putin mai intens, am adaugat un mov mai inchis in coltul extern al ochiului, creand dimensiune privirii.
A matte white eyeshadow was placed on the browbone, blending the orange color right under it. On the lower lashline, after the yellow, I smudged the same purple from the lid, followed by the darker purple from the outer corner and some pink just under it. The eyes were defined by a black liquid liner, mascara and upper false lashes.
Un fard alb mat a fost aplicat pe osul sprancenei, amestecand bine portocaliul de dedesubt. Pe pleoapa inferioara, dupa galben, am aplicat acelasi mov din pliu, urmat de movul mai intens din coltul extern, sub care am plasat putin din rozul-fucsia. Ochii au fost definiti si definitivati cu un tus negru, rimel si gene false.
On my cheeks I applied some purple-pink blush plus a shimmery light pink highlighter and on the lips, a shimmery light pink lipgloss, to avoid overpowering the colorful eyes.
Ca blush am folosit un mov-roz plus un highlighter roz deschis, iar pe buze am aplicat doar un gloss roz cu sclipici, pentru a nu "sterge" din intensitatea machiajului ochilor.
And that's the final look!
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~The purple here looks kind of blue :-\ ~ |
- elf mineral eyeshadow primer
- Dars shimmery white e/s base
- 120 palette shimmery yellow
- Qianyu palette no 1 fuchsia e/s
- Urban Decay e/s in "Underland"
- 120 palette dark purple e/s
- Qianyu palette no 2 orange e/s
- elf "Drama" quad white e/s
- elf black liquid liner
- L'Oreal Telescopic mascara
- no name false lashes
- Bari purple-pink blush
- Hello Kitty glittery pink lipgloss.
Hope you've enjoyed this look, even though it's not what it was supposed to be :P
Don't forget to vote for your favorite makeup look here and write to me at alexandrazeres@yahoo.com for any beauty related matter.
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