Hi, girls, how are you today? I am actually pretty sad my vacation is all over and today I started work *sighs*... (Why am I always talking about sad things at the beginning of my posts? :P) Anyways, today I'm here to bring you a requested review on the elf Super Glossy Lip Shine, that contain many colors that are not as sheer as other lip glosses and have a pretty good quality.
Buna, fetelor! Azi va voi vorbi despre luciurile de buze Super Glossy Lip Shine de la elf, review care a fost cerut de mai multe ori, de cand am primit acel "morman" de produse elf de la buna mea prietena Sarah. Aceste luciuri de buze contin numeroase nuante care dau o culoare destul de puternica buzelor, contrar multor alte glossuri si sunt de o calitate ridicata.
- "leave your lips with a glossy healthy glow"
- "leave you licking your lips in delight" :)
- be "mess proof for anywhere and anytime".
Cam asta spun cei de la Eyes Lips Face despre aceste glossuri:
- "iti lasa buzele stralucind in mod sanatos"
- "te vor face sa-ti lingi buzele de placere" :)
- "pot fi folosite oriunde si oricand fara a se intinde"
Exista 10 nuante pentru acest produs, iar eu detin 6 dintre ele (am uitat sa includ unul in fotografii, Honey Do, pentru ca il tin in geanta, dar este foarte asemanator cu Juiced Berry, insa o varianta mai inchisa): Angel, Pink Kiss, Honey Do, Juiced Berry, Malt hake si Mauve Luxe. Iar culorile celelalte sunt: Candlelight, Watermelon, Iced Latte si Goddess.
All of these contain SPF, except for the clear glitter one, "Angel". They are very resistant on the lips, the dark ones have a really good color payoff and they are not sticky at all. And here are some swatches of the products that I have:
Toate contin FPS (factor de protectie solara), cu exceptia nuantei "Angel". Sunt foarte rezistente pe buze, cele mai inchise la culoare se vad foarte bine, nu sunt deloc "sheer" si nici lipicioase. In plus, sunt dulci la gust si au o aroma imbietoare. Aici am facut cateva swatch-uri pentru cele pe care le detin:
They have their ingredients written on the back and the colored ones have much more things written on them.
Au si ingredientele scrise pe spate iar cele colorate au mult mai multe date mentionate decat cel transparent.
- a lot of product inside
- good taste and scent
- long wear
- great variety of colors
- good color payoff
- pretty cheap
I think I have no cons for these... :)
So how about you? Have you tried these glosses? Well, I'm almost sure you have, they're very popular and affordable ^.^
Which is your favorite shade? Mine is Honey Do, I guess, but I actually love all of them.
Si voi, le-ati incercat? Care este nuanta voastra preferata? A mea e "Honey Do", desi imi plac toate foarte mult, cam in aceeasi masura.
Thank you for visiting and don't forget to vote for your favorite makeup look from this blog, here or by clicking on the picture provided on the top right corner. Also, write me at alexandrazeres@yahoo.com for any questions and requests.
Va multumesc pentru vizita si nu uitati sa votati look-ul vostru preferat de pe acest blog. Gasiti link-ul postarii in partea dreapta a blogului, sus. Deasemenea, puteti sa-mi scrieti si la adresa alexandrazeres@yahoo.com pentru orice intrebari si cereri.
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