Hey, everyone! Today I am here to talk to you about a makeup palette that I have been wanting for the longest time and that now I have in my collection, thanks to a Romanian site that brought it on stock! Since I wasn't able to order it from the Urban Decay US site and since I never got to win it in a contest, as I did with my UD "Alice in Wonderland" palette, all I could do was wait for the Book of Shadows III to appear in Romania and buy it. And now that the wait is finally over and that I have had the chance to use most of the colors, I am going to talk a bit about what I like and dislike about it. Hope you enjoy :)!
Buna tuturor! Astazi va voi vorbi putin despre o paleta de farduri pe care mi-am dorit-o de multa vreme si care se afla acum in colectia mea de makeup, multumita unui site de cosmetice de la noi care a adus-o pe stoc! Din moment ce nu o puteam comanda de pe site-ul din State si pentru ca nu am mai avut norocul sa o castig la un concurs (cum mi s-a intamplat cu varianta "Alice in Tara Minunilor"), tot ce am putut face a fost sa astept ca Book of Shadows III sa apara si la noi si sa o cumpar. Iar acum ca asteptarea a luat sfarsit si am avut ocazia sa testez destul timp culorile, o sa va vorbesc despre lucrurile care imi plac si care imi displac la ea. Enjoy! :)
Firts off, I have to say that this is quite a heavy weight palette, heavier that the 120 palette and even a bit heavier than my Alice in Wonderland palette from the same brand. It's about 1 cm taller than the latter, I guess due to the fact that is has the lights that go on and off in the drawings part. It may not be very suitable for traveling because of that, but even because the colors, in my opinion, are not very diverse. They are mostly glittery and on the green and blue side, so you have little options for a neutral look. Still, a natural look is not impossible with this palette.
In primul rand trebuie sa mentionez ca este o paleta de farduri destul de grea, mai grea decat paleta 120 sau chiar si decat varianta Alice in Wonderland de la acelasi brand. Este cam cu 1 cm mai inalta (cand e inchisa) decat ultima mentionata, cred ca din cauza acelui mecanism de leduri pe care il are instalat in partea de sus a designului. Nu este foarte potrivita pentru calatorii, atat din cauza greutatii cat si din cauza faptului ca nuantele pe care le contine sunt mai mult din gama albastru si verde, plus culori cu mult sclipici, avand mai putine culori neutre. Cu toate acestea, un look de zi nu este chiar imposibil de obtinut cu aceasta trusa.
I love all the shades of green and purple, I think they are amazing and somewhat unique. I also love the two 24/7 glide on pencils it provided, and the oh-so loved Primer Potion, which I cannot live without. Even though I already had 4 of the colors from this palette (3 in the Alice palette and 1 in the Naked palette), I don't actually mind because they are all great shades which I use pretty often (especially "Smog", which exists in my NAKED palette).
Imi plac mult toate nuantele de verde si mov, deoarece consider ca sunt minunate si intr-un fel unice. Imi plac deasemenea si creioanele de ochi 24/7 glide on existente in paleta, precum si Primer Potion-ul foarte popular si extrem de eficient. Chiar daca aveam deja 4 din culorile din aceasta trusa (3 in paleta Alice si 1 in cea Naked), sunt culori frumoase pe care le folosesc destul de des (mai ales "Smog", pe care il mai am si in paleta NAKED).
Now let me show you some detailed photos and swatches.
Acum o sa va arat cateva poze detaliate, cu swatch-uri.
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~The closed palette~ |
~All the beautiful colors inside~ |
~The fun inner cap design~ |
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~The lit up New York City image~ |
And now the swatches (starting from the left side of the palette):
Perversion: matte black
Uzi: metallic white with chunky silver glitter
Loaded: sparkly emerald green
Kush: green metallic with silver glitter
Midnight Cowboy Rides Again: golden beige with glitter
(Which I have in my Alice palette also)
Last Call: plum Punch
(in my Alice palette as well)
Rockstar: deep red-purple with metallic base
Money: metallic light green
Haight: deep teal
Maui Wowie: medium gold with silver glitter
(in the Alice palette also)
Smog: deep coppery bronze
(existing in the Naked palette too)
Bordello: pale pink-purple
Radium: bright blue
Snatch: pale peach with golden sparkle
Suspect: sheer sparkly beige
Psychedelic Sister: vibrant purple
Swatches of the 27/7 glide on eye pencils:
Some swatches of the eyeshadows applied wet.
- 16 beautiful colors to choose from;
- very pigmented;
- long lasting;
- easy blendable;
- great color payoff and long lasting pencils;
- travel size Primer Potion;
- cute design of packaging, perfect for your collection;
- great for party use and night out looks;
- some colors are new and unique.
- heavy packaging;
- not suitable for traveling;
- repeatable colors from other palettes;
- not very suitable for daytime;
- pricey.
Even though I did have some cons for it, I absolutely love the palette and don't mind at all that I already have some of the colors, that it's not great for traveling or that I had to spend more than 50 Euros to have it. I have wanted it since it appeared, so I had to have it and I am very happy with it! ^.^
Chiar daca am avut si cateva minusuri fata de acest produs, eu una ador aceasta paleta si nu ma deranjeaza deloc ca am deja o parte din culori, ca nu este prea potrivita pentru calatorii sau ca am platit 220 lei pentru a o avea :D. Mi-am dorit-o de cand a aparut si sunt extrem de multumita de ea! :)
DISCLAIMER: I bought the palette with my own money and all the information stated are my own and honest thoughts about the product. The description of each shadow is taken from urbandecay.com.
More upcoming makeup looks using this palette and possible dupes post later on on this blog.
Thank you for visting and for having patience with this long post.
A belated blog anniversary giveaway will come soon!
~ alexandrazeres@yahoo.com ~
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