Thursday, May 5, 2011

Glossy Eyes Makeup Tutorial...Thanks to Alicia!

A week ago, I blogged about glossy eye lids/eye makeup and received a lot of comments and feedback from all of you. It was really fun reading everyone's comments and reactions. Some liked the idea, others didn't and some said we should just leave it to high fashion/beauty models lol.

But check this out. One of my readers Alicia, shared a video link on how to achieve glossy eyes. The video was by pro makeup artist Jordan Liberty. I've never heard of this guy before, but after watching a couple of his videos, I was instantly hooked. I subscribed! He has an amazing talent with makeup and encourage everyone to visit his youtube channel.

Enjoy the video!

I'm going to try this look for myself and see if I get the same result ^_^. You should too!

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