Saturday, April 2, 2011

★ LOTN ~ Arabic Brown★

Hello, girls! Hope you're all doing great tonight, after all, it's Saturday evening! :) 
Today I wanted to show you a makeup look inspired again by Arabic makeup, and it's made using a pigment that I really love, a light brown with green-blue shimmers to it, very pretty, from "Mariah's Sassy Fashions" mineral pigments line. I also used some dark golden green and some black. Hope you like it and let's get started with the explanations! :)
Buna, fetelor! Sper ca sunteti toate bine in seara aceasta frumoasa de sambata :)!
Astazi vreau sa va arat un makeup look pe care l-am facut cam in urma cu 3-4 zile, inspirata fiind, din nou, de machiajele Arabice. Acesta a fost realizat pornind de la un pigment pe care il ador in momentul de fata, un maro cu reflexii verzi-albastrui, numit "Sangria", de la "Maria's Sassy Fashions", o linie de cosmetice minerale si/sau naturale. Am mai folosit si un verde auriu si negru. Sper sa va placa! :)

After primer I applied a cream base, an olive green eyeshadow base from Elf. Then I applied the "Sangria" pigment all over my lid with a shader brush.
Dupa primer am aplicat o baza, fardul crema de la Elf, verde masliniu. Apoi, peste aceasta, am aplicat pigmentul "Sangria" pe toata suprafata pleoapei mobile.

Then I applied some tape on the outer corner of my eye, to create a sharper edge and selecting a dark black eyeshadow, I placed it in my crease and outer corner, creating an outer flick with the eyeshadow.
Apoi am aplicat niste banda adeziva pe coltul extern al ochiului pentru a obtine acea margine "ascutita", si selectand un fard negru, l-am plasat in pliu si coltul extern, creand un efect cat-eye.

With the same black eyeshadow, I made an extra "wing" on the lower lashline, fading it out. I also applied some of the brown pigment on the inner third of the lid.
Cu acelasi fard negru am creat un fel de imagine in oglinda a efectului de pe pleoapa superioara, doar ca mai mic si  mai subtil. Am aplicat putin pigment maroniu si in coltul intern al pleoapei inferioare.

I blended out the black using a green eyeshadow with golden shimmers and as a highlighter, on my browbone, inner corner and also between the two flicks, I used the green color from the Elf transformer palette.
Am sfumat negrul utilizand un fard verde-smarald cu reflexii aurii, iar ca highlighter, atat pe arcada si coltul intern, cat si intre portiunile cu negru, am folosit verdele din paleta Elf eye transformer.

I applied black liquid liner on my upper lashline, black eyeliner on my waterline and mascara on both the upper and lower lashes.
Am aplicat un tus negru pe pleoapa superioara, creion negru pe waterline si rimel pe genele superioare si inferioare.

On my cheeks I used a golden bronzer and on my lips, a brown lip liner and a nude golden lipgloss.
Pe pometi am folosit un bronzer, iar pe buze, un creion maro si un luciu nude auriu.


- Elf mineral eyeshadow primer
- Elf duo cream eyeshadow in "Olive"
- Mariah's Sassy fashions "Sangria" mineral pigment
- Elf black eyeshadow from "Drama Quad"
- Collistar baked eyeshadow in "Turchese Dorato"
- Elf nude eyeshadow from "Blue Moon" quad
- Elf green eyeshadow from Transformer Palette
- Elf liquid liner in black
- Kiko black kajal liner
- Deborah Black+Long mascara
- Elf "Warm Tan" bronzer
- Gabrini brown lip liner
- Natural golden lipgloss.

Day 16 — Music you like
Day 17 — Fashion Pieces that's on your to-buy list:
 - Chanel-like chain bag
- Tunic dress
- Arabic flip-flops
- Torn jeans
- Yellow, flowy, elegant dress.

 Thank you for visiting and don't forget about entering my giveaway!

Kisses and hugs,


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