Hey, girls! Today I will talk to you about some eyeshadows that I have been often asked about, and these are the Kiko single eyeshadows, the simple collection. Now this is a collection that's very vast in colors, they are called "highly pigmented" eyeshadows and are as cheap as 2 to 4 euros (4-6 $), depending on sale. I love how they always come out with new shades, like two of the ones I will show you today, but I hate how you can only find them in Italy... But let's start by showing you the colors I've got:
Buna, fetelor! Astazi va voi vorbi despre fardurile de ochi Kiko, de care am fost intrebata de nenumarate ori, si anume despre colectia mono, simpla. Aceasta gama este foarte variata in culori, sunt numite farduri de "inalta pigmentatie" si sunt destul de ieftine, pretul variind intre 2 si 4 euro. Imi place cum apar mereu nuante noi in aceasta colectie, dar imi displace faptul ca se gasesc doar pe teritoriul Italiei, si asta nu foarte usor... Insa acum sa va arat nuantele pe care eu le am:
The packaging looks alot like the MAC single e/s, though these are much bigger in size and, of course, alot cheaper :P
Ambalajul lor este foarte asemanator cu cel al fardurilor MAC, insa acestea sunt mai mari ca si gramaj si, bine-nteles, mai ieftine :P
This color is called "Vivid Yellow" and is a completely matte e/s, with a good pigmentation, but not as good as the others' more shimmery.
Acest fard se numeste "Vivid yellow" (galben aprins) si este o culoare complet mata, cu o pigmentatie buna, dar parca nu la fel de buna ca cea a celor mai sidefate.
"Pearly Orange" is a very pigmented shimmery e/s, more with a coral tone rather than an orange one, that looks great on the eyes and it's also easy to blend.
"Pearly Orange" (portocaliu/oranj perlat) este un fard foarte pigmentat, cu o tenta mai mult corai decat portocalie, dar care arata bine pe pleoape si este usor de bleduit.
"Pearly Green" has the exact same consistency as the orange one and it's a lovely green with gold undertones, which I have used alot in my previous makeup looks.
"Pearly Green" (verde perlat) are aceeasi consistenta ca si portocaliul anterior si este un verde deschis foarte frumos, cu tonuri aurii, culoare pe care am folosit-o destul de des in machiajele de pe blog.
"Pearly Forest Green" is one of the new eyeshadows from this collection, a color that reminds me alot of one from the peacock collection by MAC. This one is also pigmented and has a very unique rusty green shade.
"Pearly Forest Green" (verde inchis perlat) este unul din fardurile noi aparute in colectie, nuanta ce-mi aminteste mult de una din culorile din ultima colectie Mac, Peacock. Si aceasta culoare este pigmentata si are o nuanta de verde ruginiu foarte frumoasa, inedita.
"Dark Sea Green" is also a new shade, very beautiful and also very unique, shimmery and pigmented at the same time.
"Dark Sea Green" (verde marin inchis) este o alta nuanta noua, deasemenea foarte frumoasa si inedita, sidefata si foarte pigmentata in acelasi timp.
And here are some swatches for these products:
From left to right and bottom last: Pearly Green, Pearly Orange, Dark Sea Green, Pearly Forest Green, Vivid Yellow.
(De la stanga la dreapta si ultimul cel de jos)
And from thumb to pinkie: Vivid Yellow, Pearly Orange, Pearly Green, Dark Sea Green and Pearly Forest Green.
(De la degetul mare la cel mic).
And this is how the back of the eyeshadow looks like, with the ingredients and some other information. You can see that the name of the e/s is written by hand, as they have their names on the site, at the presentation, but it's not written on the actual e/s too, I don't know why exactly...
Si asa arata partea din spate a fardului, cu ingrediente, gramaj si alte informatii. Puteti observa ca numele culorii este scris de mana, deoarece chiar daca au numele precizat pe site, la prezentarea produsului, pe ambalaj in sine nu exista...
The eyeshadow in it's original box
Fardul in cutia de carton originala
- quite cheap (destul de ieftine)
- very pigmented (foarte pigmentate)
- great variety of colors (mare varietate de culori)
- long wear (rezistente pe ochi)
- big size (mari ca si gramaj)
- you need to "scrape" them a bit before they "break into" their pigmentation
(trebuie sa "razuiesti" putin culoarea la inceput pentru ca fardul sa devina pigmentat)
- hard to find in stores, only in the Kiko ones from Italy
(greu de gasit, doar in Italia in magazinele specializate Kiko).
I know I really like these e/s and I intend to buy more when I go to Italy next time, as they are a good investment in makeup, especially for their pigmentation, price and range of colors.
I have bought all these with my own money or I got them from my sister who lives in Italy :)
You can check them here and here on the Kiko site, if you want to see more shades or other products from this brand, which is one of my favorite cosmetics brands. And here you can view my older review for some other Kiko products that I own.
Mie imi plac mult aceste farduri si chiar intentionez sa mai achizitionez cateva la urmatoarea vizita in Italia, deoarece mi se par o investitie buna in materie de machiaj, mai ales pentru pigmentatie, gama de culori si pret.
Aceste 5 culori le-am cumparat eu sau sora mea care locuieste in Italia, deci parerea mea despre ele nu este biasata in niciun fel :)
Puteti sa le vedeti aici si aici pe site-ul Kiko, brand care a devenit unul din favoritele mele in materie de cosmetice. Iar aici puteti citi un review anterior despre alte produse Kiko pe care le detin.
Have a great day and good night!
~ alexandrazeres@yahoo.com ~
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