Monday, August 9, 2010

It's honey skin is useful?

It's honey skin is useful?
Years ago, the honey is commonly used to replace sugar or a flavor enhancer but during the last 10 years has been an important ingredient in one of the best products and skin care products to makeup. Today, honey is widely used in medicine to treat allergies, anemia, fatigue and tiredness, indigestion, etc. Because of its properties today honey is an important ingredient in many moisturizers and lotions to care for body and makeup products .
Honey contains glucose, fructose, minerals - magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium chlorine, sulfur, iron, copper, zinc, vitamin B1, B2, B5, B3.

Natural honey is very beneficial for the skin because it has the ability to attract moisture and nourishment to skin deep. In recent years, started many major cosmetic and skin care companies that use natural honey in many body lotions, facial moisturizers, anti-aging creams and serums, masks, cleansers, shower gel, because of its ability to retain and attract moisture. Many women want to use honey and other natural ingredients from the house in which rejuvenates the skin and nourishes the skin deep. Honey is also a natural antiseptic as it contains many antimicrobial substances that kill bacteria immediately

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